[WriteLog] Band Map Problems

JE Brown W4LC at fuse.net
Fri Dec 4 20:30:23 PST 2009

My problems setting things up after switching to a new PC continue.

Operating in the TARA RTTY contest tonight, all my spots coming in from the 
cluster show red (out of band), even if they are not.  The bandmap will not 
show the band edges (the red stripe), indicating (I guess) that there is no 
band data being read.  However,  the "USA_Extra.SubBands" file is in the 
Writelog\Programs directory.  Editing the subbands seems to make no 
difference.  Using the "Show Bands" command under the "Band" menu shows the 
proper frequencies.

The ini file shows:


Any suggestions?

Thanks      Jim   W4LC 

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