[WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000

steve kw3a at snip.net
Tue Feb 24 12:13:08 EST 2009

I'm trying to get DVK to  work via the rear ACC-2 13 pin DIN jack on a 
Kenwood TS-2000.  Rig control is on comm1 and Rascal interface is connected 
to comm7.   The interface works fine on comm 7 when running FSK RTTY from 
Writelog,  but I can't get it to do DVK.

I think all radio menus are correct, as I can go to Digipan and have it TX 
on comm 7 via the ACC-2 jack.

In writelog, I have  "Windows Sound Board" selected for DVK, but it seems 
that "None" is checked for DVK port, and I can't get it to uncheck or move 
the check to any other port.

I think I'm getting in over my head, CW, rig control, and FSK all work fine 
and I'd hate to screw  these things up.   I think the kenwood wants to see 
PTT on the ACC-2 jack, and not the rig's serial port for things to work 

Anyone using a similar setup?

tnx and 73, Steve KW3A

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