[WriteLog] Call stack?

J. Edward (Ed) Muns w0yk at msn.com
Mon Jan 5 12:30:15 EST 2009

> I seem to remember a way to move a callsign into a waiting stack and then
> recall it when you're ready to work the station.  I know there is the
> search
> and pounce frequency memories, but I'm looking for something more like a
> scratch pad.
> The specific scenario is when you're running, and pickup more than 1 full
> call out of the pileup.  You want to work the first guy then the next one
> without QRZ or CQ in between.  Is there something to do this other than
> the
> S&P memories in Writelog?

WriteLog has the Alt-C window of recently highlighted calls from the
Rttyrite window.  However, I think it is a redundant time waster because
those same highlighted call signs are in the Rttyrite window, within the
context of other printing.  It is easier to simply grab call signs from
Rttyrite than to call up Alt-C.  Moreover, the Alt-C window has to be
continually called up to be refreshed.  I'm far too busy with other things
to have time for that repetitive motion throughout the contest.

What would be useful is more integrated stack management.  Currently,
stacked call signs have to be manually managed by the operator with the aid
of the %P1 and %C parameters in a specific message.  It would be handy if
WriteLog would dynamically move calls in and out of the stack, feeding them
into messages via special parameters.  N1MM Logger has some stack
management, but I don't personally know how effective it really is.

I really don't want a true "stack" where call signs pop out the top based on
their order.  I like a random-access menu that preserves the appearance
order of the call signs, but allows me to choose the one I want next.
Win-Test has a Partner Mode designed for multi-ops where a companion
operator listening on the run frequency can capture call signs into a list
that is randomly accessible by the main run operator.  I suppose this could
be used by a Single Op but of course on CW and SSB one has to type in the
call signs where with RTTY decoding, call signs can be automatically
captured by the software.

Ed - P49X (W0YK)

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