[WriteLog] Registration Problem Fixed

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Thu Mar 26 17:54:15 PDT 2009

Others may encounter this problem - a failure of a renewal loaded onto a
computer that has been using WL successfully, to recognize the new
registration code.
After going to Windows/Control Panel and uninstalling 10.71, I noticed
that the Icon for starting WL was still in my quick start tray.  And, it
would start WL, even though the program had been deleted.  With 10.71
installed or not installed, WL would start and fail to recognize my
registration code.  The Icon was pointing to C:\Ham\Programs where my
older version of WL was still residing.  The new version was installing
at C:\ProgramFiles\Writelog\Programs.
Removing the entire subdirectory C:\Ham\Programs, and reinstalling 10.71
again - which puts it in C:\ProgramFiles\Writelog\Programs, and then
deleting the quick start Icon and adding a new one pointing to the new
place fixed the problem.
Suggest maybe a note about this needs to go along with new
registrations.  I think what has to be done is any Icon pointing to
C:\Ham\Programs writelog32.exe has to be manually removed.
Writelog32.exe should also probably be manually deleted from
Glad that's over with!
Hal N4GG

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