[WriteLog] WL V10.74J

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Tue Jan 5 15:04:43 PST 2010

Somehow I must have missed the announcement of the release of V10.74J - just 
found it today on the WL downloads page.  I installed the new version ok and 
read the Update History to see what was new.  Much to my surprise and 
delight it shows there is now a menu entry for the IC-7600.  Sure enough, 
when I went to Ports and clicked on the rigs list the IC-7600 is now shown.

Unfortunately, the actual driver appears not to have full functionality, at 
least for operating split.  Typing a new frequency in the call field will 
QSY the 7600 ok.  However, when you type "-" to open the split frequency box 
and type in the split frequency the radio is set to Split, but the Sub VFO 
frequency remains unchanged!  To get to the actual split frequency you must 
hit the MAIN/SUB button to put the focus on the Sub VFO and then tune with 
the knob!  Even worse, if the Sub VFO is on another band the split command 
sets Split, but the Sub VFO remains on the different band!  In other words 
Split is set, but the frequency remains unchanged regardless of the Sub VFO 
band or mode.  Not terribly useful!  Typing "-" to bring up the split 
command window and hitting Enter does clear Split as it should.  Because of 
this problem I am leaving my radio setting in the Ports area set to the 
IC-7800 with a command line in the [RIGS] section changing the IC-7800 hex 
address to 7A for the IC-7600.  This works much better than the IC-7600 
driver in V10.74J.

A potentially more useful function in the updated version is the addition of 
a new Keyboard Shortcut command:  EntryUndoWipedQso.  This command is now 
available in the shortcut commands list and can be programmed to any 
available unused key.  This command can be used to undo an inadvertent 
"wipe" of the QSO information before it is logged or complete.  I have added 
this shortcut command to the GRAVE key, the one just below the Esc key that 
prints as `.  Another neat addition is if the keyboard focus is on the log 
window, the mouse wheel will now scroll the log!

Thanks for the update Wayne, but please take a look at that IC-7600 rig 

Gary AL9A

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