[WriteLog] UserPara.ini error ...some more!

pcooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Tue Jul 20 09:46:07 PDT 2010

Hi all,

Firstly, I too had the same problem with WinXP + SP2.

My MMTTY (the one used exclusively for WL) is in C:\MMTTY, and I've just been trying the steps outlined by Joe, and find the same issue as others:
Namely, that when you "undo" the checkbox for READ ONLY, it reverts back as soon as you go to another folder.

So, wanting to try harder, I opened Properties, went to Security, and there, I saw that the list of "Permissions for Authenticated Users" showed that Write, Full Control and Special Permissions were not checked.
I clicked on EDIT, and allowed every user listed in the box above to be able to Write and have Full Control.
Now, I only occasionally get the USERPARA.INI error occasionally!

Maybe this is the cure? But why does it happen on XP too?

Oh well, it is only a minor annoyance, as it does not stop MMTTY starting up.

73 all


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