[WriteLog] Fw: changing computers, correcting 1 screen problem.

Russell Hill rustypers at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 1 17:33:55 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Russell Hill 
To: writelog users group 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:04 PM
Subject: changing computers, correcting 1 screen problem.

greetings, All:

I would like to transfer my WL to a replacement computer.  Can I do that, or should I just buy the current version to download to my new computer and figure I now have the new latest and greatest version?   I do like my current setup and don't really want to spend the time re-setting things up.

I do need to correct one thing however.  My supercheck partial is now a single line window instead of a large multi column window.  I know I hit some button but I don't know what.  I tried picking up a corner to stretch the window out again, but no good.  Can anyone help?

Please note my email address is now rustypers at earthlink.net not the original rustyhill@ etc.

Many thanks,

Rusty,  na5tr

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