[WriteLog] FSK via WL/MMTTY

Dick Flanagan dick at k7vc.com
Sun Sep 19 18:46:09 PDT 2010

Thanks, Wayne, and to others who responded privately.  I am still 
unable to generate FSK via WL/MTTY from my USB-connected RigExpert Plus.

I re-sequenced all COM ports so they were addressed COM8 or below, 
but I am still unable to generate FSK.  (Again, MMTTY works fine standalone.)

I have my FSK port (COM6) selected in the Rttyrite Ports menu and I 
tried it both with and without selecting Software Generated FSK via TxD.

The instructions for installing the WL/MMTTY plug-in said to ignore 
error messages, but I think one may be relevant (DUH!).  When I fire 
up the WL RTTY window, there is a small windows in the top left of 
the window that says:  "Initializing MMTTY.  Please wait."  Then a 
small error window crops up that says 
"ERROR:  UserPara.INI*%&^@#$%&^*("  The garbage is real.  It looks 
like an un-terminated message string.  I respond "OK" to that window 
and MMTTY seems to initialize fine.

I really hate feeling stupid like this, especially if this is a known 
limitation of WL.  There is noting like spending over $300 for an 
interface that doesn't work with my favorite contest logger!  :(

Is there any other information I can provide to help someone bail me 
out?  I'm running Windows XP.


At 07:41 AM 9/19/2010, Wayne wrote:
 >  This does work. You need to use a com port below com8 even though both
 >Writelog and MMTTY can use ports higher than Com8. Seems the plugin can
 >not handle ports above Com8.
 >Wayne  WA1PMA
 >On 9/18/2010 11:46 PM, Dick Flanagan wrote:
 >> I am trying to enable FSK via the latest WL (V10.79) and MMTTY
 >> plug-in (V13).  I am using a RigExpert Plus connected to computer via
 >> USB port.  Standalone MMTTY (V1.66G) works fine.
 >> I have configured Rttyrite to use the correct USB/FSK port and
 >> selected Software Generated FSK via TxD.
 >> The WL/MMTTY settings TX window shows Sound only, with both FSK
 >> options grayed out.  Transmitting gives me tone only, no
 >> diddle.  Again, standalone MMTTY works fine.
 >> Shouldn't the latest WL be able to handle this?
 >> Dick
 >> --
 >> Dick Flanagan K7VC
 >> dick at k7vc.com

Dick Flanagan K7VC
dick at k7vc.com

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