[WriteLog] RTTY - CW automatic switching

Phillips, Richard phillips at msoe.edu
Thu Sep 23 11:27:57 PDT 2010

I set up Writlog for the BARTG 75 contest last weekend and dabbled for
about an hour and a half.  Everything  worked great and I make about 50

Last night I ran it again to try some experimenting with the function
key setup.  To my amazement when I pressed any macro key I was sending

Sure enough the rig was on CW.  I switched the radio to lower sideband
and Writelog would send RYTTY.  I didn't know this was automatic?  The
funny thing is, 

some time back I tried to get Writelog to run CW through my Rigblaster
P&P and had absolutely no luck!

Setup is: IC756 Pro3, Win7/32 and Rigblaster Plug & Play.  Anyone else
experience this?

73, Rich AA9L


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