[WriteLog] WinKey & WriteLog 10.84D

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Sat Apr 9 13:35:24 PDT 2011


Not sure if I can help.  But I have a WinKeyer USB and have not had any 
problems at all with keying within WriteLog.  Just a WAG, but have you 
checked the batteries in your WinKeyer?  If the batteries get weak, it 
becomes erratic as all get out.  I decided to go to USB power and haven't 
had a single problem since.  Of course, the computer needs to be turned on 
to use the keyer, but that hasn't been a problem for my operation here.

I run ver 10.84D, a Yaesu FT-950 & Yaesu FT-857D with a WinKeyer USB, XP Pro 
with SP3 on a Gateway computer.  I can supply you with screen shots if you 
think that may help.

w0raa [at] arrl.net

On the WriteLog reflector, you wrote...

>I have not been able to get my Winkey to work with Wrtielog 10.84 at
>all--NADA. Sends the letter "O" about every 20-30 seconds. Also, my 
>are not correctly sent and if the "O" decides to send--then all is lost.
>Keyer works great with DXbase--as it always had. Any advice would be

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