[WriteLog] Erratic CW - it's baaack!

Larry - K7SV k7sv at comcast.net
Sat Apr 9 15:42:31 PDT 2011

Gday folks,

During the RU DX contest while operating 15M from NR4M using the latest
version of WL, the original MK and an OMNI VI, I had the same problem
described by Gary.  The band was so good I just used the paddles until
things slowed. After trying a number of things including reinstalling the MK
router, I went into Setup then Ports in WL, left the same port specified for
cw and K1EL Winkey as keyer and then hit go. That cleared the problem.

In simple terms I just brought ports up and pressed go to resolve the issue.

73 de Lar K7SV 

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