[WriteLog] Erratic CW - it's baaack!
Ed Muns
w0yk at msn.com
Sat Apr 9 16:34:24 PDT 2011
Lar, K7SV, wrote:
> During the RU DX contest while operating 15M from NR4M using
> the latest version of WL, the original MK and an OMNI VI, I
> had the same problem described by Gary. The band was so good
> I just used the paddles until things slowed. After trying a
> number of things including reinstalling the MK router, I went
> into Setup then Ports in WL, left the same port specified for
> cw and K1EL Winkey as keyer and then hit go. That cleared the problem.
> In simple terms I just brought ports up and pressed go to
> resolve the issue.
Yes, this work-around works for me too. I reported the same here on the
reflector on 21 February following ARRL DX CW:
P40L (W6LD and W0YK) ran 10.84d with a message
'%C <<ENN^K>>' and WinKey2 version 2.3 in ARRL
DX CW this past weekend. We had some delays in
this message when first loading WriteLog, but
when we went into Setup/Ports and simply clicked
'OK', the problem went away.
Note that the problem returns each time WriteLog is started, but is always
cleared by going to Setup/Ports and immediately exiting without changing
anything. Several others have found this works for them as well.
Ed - W0YK
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