[WriteLog] Writelog

n2wk n2wk at rochester.rr.com
Thu Apr 28 14:27:25 PDT 2011

Can someone advise. He is using wl 10.84 and MMTTY 1.68A. OS is XP
WL comes up fine but when he opens the RTTYrite window the window disappears but the MMTTY tuning panel stays. Steve has the mmttyplugin in the WL programs folder and has run it. 

Note: RTTYRiTE MFC needs to close.
mmttytnc.dll not found. 
RTTYRITE wants to crash. 

The update worked fine on the notebook !! Not so on the desk top.



1.     Loaded the latest program after cleaning out all traces of old version

2.     Used Legacy installer to install the MMTTY plugin

3.     I have MMTTY in one folder and MMTTY Engine in another, This works fine with N1MM using the engine and MMTTY working as a stand alone , full featured program.

4.     I open Writelog and select a rtty contest, rig is in rtty mode. 

5.     MMTTY engine indicated correct com port settings.

6.     In Writelog,I try to open the rtty window . The engine for MMTTY opens but the RTTYRITE widow shows the following message "Initializing MMTTY  Please Wait"  It is at this point the program stall out on the desk top.

7.     With the notebook, the program instantly opens MMTY and the RTTY window and I am all set to operate a Rtty Contest.








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