[WriteLog] Serial problem with microHAM router

Alan Maenchen ad6e at arrl.net
Sat Dec 31 12:55:51 PST 2011

My setup is:
K3 ---> microHAM MK2R+ ---> PC via USB
Icom Pro III  ----^

The microHAM router seems to communicate easily with the K3 and as I tune
around, the frequency display updates quickly and correctly. However, the
frequency shown in WL is very flaky.  It seems like the WL updates from the
microHAM router is making it once a minute or so maybe. Often I see the "no
rig" display.  Obviously, this is not a K3 problem directly since the
router always shows the correct frequency and updates promptly when tuning
around. The Icom always updates correctly in both the microHAM router and
in WL. It's only the K3 link that is a problem. I notice this on both my
Win7-64 machine and also my XP laptop.  I'm using 10.84D so would an update
be helpful?  I don't normally update unless I really need something in the
update. I don't remember this problem several months ago.

73 & HNY   Alan  AD6E

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