[WriteLog] Serial problem with microHAM router

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sat Dec 31 13:59:50 PST 2011

I haven't used a microHAM box recently for CAT control of the K3, but
WriteLog does flash 'No Rig' every time I log a QSO.  The frequency updating
in WriteLog is slow but not a problem.  Seems like about a second or a large
portion of a second.  This is with 10.90 (or whatever the current release is
and Beta 11.01 and the Edgeport/4 USB-Serial converter.

Is this problem only with your K3 and not the Pro3?

Ed - W0YK

Al, AD6E, wrote:
> My setup is:
> K3 ---> microHAM MK2R+ ---> PC via USB
> Icom Pro III  ----^
> The microHAM router seems to communicate easily with the K3 and as I tune
> around, the frequency display updates quickly and correctly. However, the
> frequency shown in WL is very flaky.  It seems like the WL updates from
> the
> microHAM router is making it once a minute or so maybe. Often I see the
> "no
> rig" display.  Obviously, this is not a K3 problem directly since the
> router always shows the correct frequency and updates promptly when tuning
> around. The Icom always updates correctly in both the microHAM router and
> in WL. It's only the K3 link that is a problem. I notice this on both my
> Win7-64 machine and also my XP laptop.  I'm using 10.84D so would an
> update
> be helpful?  I don't normally update unless I really need something in the
> update. I don't remember this problem several months ago.

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