[WriteLog] Writelog feature questions...

Norman Wald norman at optionw.com
Fri Jun 24 12:57:01 PDT 2011

Writelog questions...
1. Can the MMVARI engine be integrated into WL to do PSK31 contests, the same idea as MMTTY for RTTY - multichannel PSK VS tuning with Rittyrite PSK)? 
2. Is there a reason I have to setup my Icom 706MKIIG as an Icom 706 (using address 48 instead of 58)?

Icom 706MKIIG
MicroKeyer MK 1 with USB Device Router 7.7.1
Writelog version 10.86C 
Dell Dimension 8300 with Windows XP Pro

Norman Wald
w9vq at arrl.net

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