[WriteLog] wav files

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Sat Sep 10 23:13:07 PDT 2011


Welcome to WriteLog and the reflector.  I'm sure you will enjoy both the 
software and the support group.

Setting up audio wav files and the WriteLog DVK to play them can be a 
challenge at first, but once all the elements are in place you'll enjoy the 
result.  First, make sure to read the Help file documentation before 
attempting to setup your wav files.  In the Search box enter DVK and list 
the topics.  Look at all of them, but especially the section called "How 
WriteLog sets up sound board mixers".  You can also get a lot of information 
from Scot K9JY and his WriteLog help web pages at http://k9jy.com/blog/.

You can record your wav files in mono to keep the files small.  The only 
thing is to make sure whatever settings you use to make the recordings, ALL 
the wav files must have the same settings or they will not play.  I use 
Audacity, a free program on the web, to record my wav files.  I use a 
Default Sample Rate of 22050 kHz and a Default Sample Format of 16 bit.  You 
can set this up in Audacity in the Edit/Preferences menu.

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "...how should it read in the 
config box..".  F key messages in WriteLog must be named msgn.wav.  The 'n' 
in the name can be any number starting with 2, the first F key available for 
playing a WL voice message.  You can also create wav files for all the 
alphabet characters, i.e., a.wav, b.wav, c.wav, etc., and all the numbers 
zero through 9, i.e., 0.wav, 1.wav, 2.wav, etc.  If you use the macro 
command "%C" in a message memory location WriteLog will sound out the call 
in the Call field by using the alpha and numeric wav files.  Sound the 
characters out phonetically when you create the wav files, i.e., MIKE 
WHISKEY ZERO LIMA ALPHA OSCAR, to get your call.  You can also create 
msg.wav files with numbers larger than the number of F keys on the keyboard, 
however in order to play them they must be called from within a standard 
memory location.  For example, you could create a msg38.wav and chain it 
together with other wav files on a given F key such as: F8 = %C 
<msg8.wav><msg38.wav><msg4.wav>.  In this example pressing the F8 key would 
phonetically sound out the other stations call and then play three different 
wav files in sequence.

You can store your audio messages anywhere you like, but there are a couple 
of things you need to do.  In WriteLog, under Setup/Ports, define your DVK 
type as "Windows sound board" and click on the "Wave File Locate..." button 
and navigate to your wav file folder location. Once there select a file, 
anyone you like, it doesn't matter, and WriteLog will now know where to find 
your wav files.  This location will be written into your writelog.ini file. 
You can check the path name in the [Configuration] section to verify where 
WriteLog will look to find your files.  The path is described the 
WaveFileLocation= command.  I have created several message folders to hold 
the wav files for various contests.  This prevents me from having to make 
new wav files repeatedly for favorite contests.  I just copy the msgn.wav 
files into my main audio location folder and replace the last contest wav 
files with the ones I want to use this weekend.

There are many more things to learn about how to get more from WriteLog's 
ability to play prerecorded messages with the F keys.  Once you get the 
basics setup correctly and functioning we can explore more esoteric topics 
on how to get more from your DVK and message recordings.  Another topic to 
consider after getting the F key messages to play correctly is to consider 
recording the contest.  Great way to review how you sound working stations 
and to identify where to improve operating skills.  Good luck.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ANDREWACTROS at aol.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: September 10, 2011 10:44 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] wav files

> new subscriber to writelog and new user of this contest software , trying
> to set up wav files for ssb , can someone give me a easy term way of 
> setting
> this up does the wav file need to be in mono and how should it read in the
> config box  eg , msg 0.wav and can i take the file from document file or
> does it have to come from writelog wav file window
> 73's mw0lao
>         andrew
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