[WriteLog] WL version 11.04A

David J. Strout djsatty at comcast.net
Thu Aug 2 07:51:34 PDT 2012

Original message:
I am using WL version 11.04A with the WriteLog
w5xd multi+MK1100 keyer. Keyer interface via
a USB multi-comport board.  Hopefully enough
info given here.
Current problem starting with version 11.04A:
If I hit the ESC key or use either the Page Up
or Page Down key, the keyer is disabled.  I
must turn it OFF and then ON again to enable it
and all is well until the next time I hit ESC or adjust
the speed with the Page Up or Down keys. The remote
pot to adjust keying speed works fine.
Would appreciate input on whether this is a
software problem or a problem with the keyer or even
the keyboard.  Tnx.
Dave, W2YC

I SHOULD ADD: when the MK1100 keyer is diabled as described
above, WriteLog indicates  Timeout V    ----   I can't read what is
beyond the V.

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