[WriteLog] European HF Championship Contest 2012 - data bases by SP5KP

SP5KP sp5kp at wp.pl
Thu Aug 2 09:05:16 PDT 2012

Hi All
I inform interested that I prepared the final version of databases for European HF Championship Contest with Write Log

Rules: http://lea.hamradio.si/~scc/euhf/euhfcrules.htm

I can throw open my bases of data different participants the European HF Championship Contest 2012 

via my eMail sp5kp at wp.pl.


VY 73!

Krzysztof "Chris"
SP5KP, 3Z5W,  3Z40KP, ex SN5N 

admin portalu : http://pga-zawody.eham.pl

eMail: sp5kp at wp.pl
Skype: sp5kp.

Member of:
SPDXC#430, SPCWC#49, EPC#6350

GSM: +48 603 310037

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