[WriteLog] signal link

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Fri Aug 10 10:35:29 PDT 2012

The Signalink PTT is a *VOX* it is not controlled by the logger.
There is no *serial port* or *USB Port* in Signalink for any
logger to use for PTT.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 8/10/2012 1:29 PM, Rick wrote:
> I do believe the Signalink unit does have a PTT line
> Rick - WU6W
> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Joe Subich, W4TV
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 8:49 AM
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] signal link
> Signalink is *nothing more than a sound card* - it does not provide
> a radio control serial port or a Winkey keyer or PTT under control
> of the software.
> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 8/10/2012 11:42 AM, Roger wrote:
>> I just installed SignalLink USB on my windows 7 desktop.  Writelog v is
> 11.04A.  Big problems.  First error message is  Com port 1 not available.
> the system cannot find the file specified.
>> Second error.  can’t open comport for winkey
>> third error. error setting up device names for sound vista-style
>> Looks like the computer is not reading the Ten Tec OMNI VII
>> I had a micro ham keyer before.  I need help.
>> Thanks Rog
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