[WriteLog] A.R.I. contest setup

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Wed May 2 11:45:04 PDT 2012

Thanks to Eric and Rag for their suggestions on setting up dummy empty logs 
that contain the correct CW or RTTY memory macros.  I've found it is quite 
easy to switch from one set of macros to the other by using the Browse 
button in Setup/CW/RTTY/SSB memories.  The macros change right away without 
disturbing any entries already in the log which means the serial number 
sequence is protected.  The only thing is to remember to reconfigure 
RttyRite for the correct settings to switch between CW and the  MMTTY 
plug-in.  I expect I will blow it a couple of times, but fortunately if 
things aren't correct WL will let me know by refusing to transmit until I 
get things set right!

Great group of users on this reflector.  I've been using WL for a over a 
decade and am still learning how to get more out of the software.  Kudos to 
Wayne for his excellent programming.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric - VE3GSI" <ve3gsi at sympatico.ca>
To: "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>; "Writelog Reflector" 
<writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: May 01, 2012 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] A.R.I. contest setup

> Hi Gary,
> I had the same fun setting up for Field Day-home station one year.  But if 
> memory serves me correctly it was as follows. I will use FD as the 
> example.
> Start WL and contest you need ie: Field Day
> Configure contest CW using your macros.
> Save this fake contest as FDC.wl (your choice of name)
> Close
> Start WL and contest again you need Field Day
> Configure contest TTY macros.
> Save this fake contest as FDR.wl (as above your choice)
> Close (I really can't remember if required to close?)
> Now you start the program you need for the contest Field Day
> Choose your working mode CW or RTTY as norm IE: CW (my rig make the 
> decision for me)
> In WL Menu > Set-up import FDC macros from 'FAKE' contest
> Save your program using the proper contest name you wish: Field Day 2012
> When it comes time to switch modes, go to RTTY
> As above WL Menu > set-up import FDR fake macros.
> carry on in the contest - UR good to go in the new mode.
> I am assuming you interface is easy to flip between modes, that might be 
> my only concern. Maybe you should double check the scoring too, but I 
> think you will be ok.
> Hey Good Luck in the ARI - Not sure if I will play the game, been a bit 
> under the weather.
> Eric - VE3GSI
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gary AL9A"
>> Trying to get my head around how to setup WL for the A.R.I. contest this
>> weekend.  I would like to run both CW and RTTY, but have a dilemma I've
>> never run across before.  In setting up the WL message memories CW and 
>> messages share the same memory locations, but the messages between the 
>> two
>> modes are considerably different.  Is there a good way to do this?
>> I don't want to have to type and retype all the memory messages as I 
>> switch
>> modes from CW to RTTY and back again.  I'm considering setting up two
>> different logs, one for CW contacts, the other for RTTY.  However the
>> exchange for non-Italian stations is RST and a serial number.  If I run X
>> QSO's on CW and then switch to a different log for RTTY can I force WL to
>> start numbering the next contact with serial X+1?  Finally, if I do 
>> create
>> two different logs based upon the mode how do I merge them together into 
>> a
>> single log to create the Cabrillo file and adif export file for my my
>> general logger?  The adif isn't too much of a problem as I could just 
>> create
>> two adif files and import them both to my general logger.  But the serial
>> incrementing and Cabrillo output has me stumped.  Any suggestions?
>> 73,
>> Gary AL9A

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