[WriteLog] A.R.I. contest setup

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Wed May 2 14:36:07 PDT 2012


Glad I could help. You mentioned:

>The only thing is to remember to reconfigure
RttyRite for the correct settings to switch between CW and the  MMTTY
plug-in.  I expect I will blow it a couple of times, but fortunately if
things aren't correct WL will let me know by refusing to transmit until I
get things set right!<

I should have mentioned that too. Just exit RttyRite BEFORE changing modes.
After you change modes and reconfigure the interface (if required), restart 
RttyRite and away you go. I sort of recall it finds the mode automatically, 
mind you I could have had an extra 807 by then to and thought it worked that 

Good luck,
Eric - VE3GSI

----- Original Message ----- 
> Thanks to Eric and Rag for their suggestions on setting up dummy empty 
> logs
> that contain the correct CW or RTTY memory macros.  I've found it is quite
> easy to switch from one set of macros to the other by using the Browse
> button in Setup/CW/RTTY/SSB memories.  The macros change right away 
> without
> disturbing any entries already in the log which means the serial number
> sequence is protected.  The only thing is to remember to reconfigure
> RttyRite for the correct settings to switch between CW and the  MMTTY
> plug-in.  I expect I will blow it a couple of times, but fortunately if
> things aren't correct WL will let me know by refusing to transmit until I
> get things set right!
> Great group of users on this reflector.  I've been using WL for a over a
> decade and am still learning how to get more out of the software.  Kudos 
> to
> Wayne for his excellent programming.
> 73,
> Gary AL9A
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Eric - VE3GSI" <ve3gsi at sympatico.ca>
> To: "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>; "Writelog Reflector"
> <writelog at contesting.com>
> Sent: May 01, 2012 7:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] A.R.I. contest setup
>> Hi Gary,
>> I had the same fun setting up for Field Day-home station one year.  But 
>> if
>> memory serves me correctly it was as follows. I will use FD as the
>> example.
>> Start WL and contest you need ie: Field Day
>> Configure contest CW using your macros.
>> Save this fake contest as FDC.wl (your choice of name)
>> Close
>> Start WL and contest again you need Field Day
>> Configure contest TTY macros.
>> Save this fake contest as FDR.wl (as above your choice)
>> Close (I really can't remember if required to close?)
>> Now you start the program you need for the contest Field Day
>> Choose your working mode CW or RTTY as norm IE: CW (my rig make the
>> decision for me)
>> In WL Menu > Set-up import FDC macros from 'FAKE' contest
>> Save your program using the proper contest name you wish: Field Day 2012
>> When it comes time to switch modes, go to RTTY
>> As above WL Menu > set-up import FDR fake macros.
>> carry on in the contest - UR good to go in the new mode.
>> I am assuming you interface is easy to flip between modes, that might be
>> my only concern. Maybe you should double check the scoring too, but I
>> think you will be ok.
>> Hey Good Luck in the ARI - Not sure if I will play the game, been a bit
>> under the weather.
>> Eric - VE3GSI
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Gary AL9A"
>>> Trying to get my head around how to setup WL for the A.R.I. contest this
>>> weekend.  I would like to run both CW and RTTY, but have a dilemma I've
>>> never run across before.  In setting up the WL message memories CW and
>>> RTTY
>>> messages share the same memory locations, but the messages between the
>>> two
>>> modes are considerably different.  Is there a good way to do this?
>>> I don't want to have to type and retype all the memory messages as I
>>> switch
>>> modes from CW to RTTY and back again.  I'm considering setting up two
>>> different logs, one for CW contacts, the other for RTTY.  However the
>>> exchange for non-Italian stations is RST and a serial number.  If I run 
>>> X
>>> QSO's on CW and then switch to a different log for RTTY can I force WL 
>>> to
>>> start numbering the next contact with serial X+1?  Finally, if I do
>>> create
>>> two different logs based upon the mode how do I merge them together into
>>> a
>>> single log to create the Cabrillo file and adif export file for my my
>>> general logger?  The adif isn't too much of a problem as I could just
>>> create
>>> two adif files and import them both to my general logger.  But the 
>>> serial
>>> incrementing and Cabrillo output has me stumped.  Any suggestions?
>>> 73,
>>> Gary AL9A
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