[WriteLog] Russian contest cabrillo

SP5KP sp5kp at interia.pl
Sun Sep 2 13:07:24 EDT 2012

Hi Doug

Please look on good free conwerter adif2cabr by SP7DQR



VY 73!

Krzysztof "Chris"
SP5KP, 3Z5W,  3Z40KP, ex SN5N

admin portalu : http://pga-zawody.eham.pl

eMail: sp5kp at wp.pl
Skype: sp5kp.

Member of:
SPDXC#430, SPCWC#49, EPC#6350

GSM: +48 603 310037

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Nelson" <dougn1 at me.com>
To: <WriteLog at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Russian contest cabrillo

> Apparently no cabrillo support in the SM6SRW module.  Do I need to use an 
> external ADIF to Cabrillo converter to generate or will they accept ADIF?
> Thanks....Doug  K6HGF
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