[WriteLog] New Guy - How do I ... Questions

Mark mark.g0mgx at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 02:20:02 EDT 2012

Hi Writeloggers


I've bought the newbie license and have run this V10.90A in three RTTY
contests now..


I have 3 questions that I have tried to answer myself, but to-date failed -
I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction!


1.       How do I confirm the report received, so I'd like to send QSL (599
123) UR 599 321 321 et cetera. I've been messing about with the %F but found
no text sent under all combinations I have tried.

2.       How do I save my RTTY message configuration so I can import again
once I start a new log. I'm currently typing them in (and making random
mistakes doing it) each time I set the software up for a contest.

3.       Scrolling in RTTYrite window - I'm stuck with it - right?




Mark. G0MGX

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