[WriteLog] Need some questions answered for a friend

Dick-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Thu Sep 20 12:24:16 EDT 2012

A friend of mine has a Yaesu FT-450D and a SignaLink USB interface.  

I have been trying to help him get things up and running on the digital modes.  He likes DIgipan software and is receiving some stations fine. He's having a problem getting the radio to transmit.  
He downloaded MMTTY last night and is receiving, but it is erratic and his FT-450 manual isn't a lot of help with Menu Items.  (What Yaesu Manual really is helpful???).  

If anybody reading this has a similar setup, I would like to hear from you.  Since this is kind of "Off Topic" for the reflectors I am sending it to, please answer me off the reflector.  My e-mail is w0raa[at]arrl.net.  (You all know what to do with the [at]). 

I guess I need some answers on the FT-450 Menu settings in some of the categories.  I guess I could join the FT-450 Reflector on Yahoo Groups, but since I don't have a 450 (I have the 950) I really don't want to join that reflector if it's possible to avoid it.  Somebody out there has to be running a FT-450 with a SignaLink USB and Digipan and MMTTY.  

Any assistance would be appreciate.  Just do it directly to me.  

Thanks guys/gals and hope to see many of you in the BARTG 75 this weekend and the CQ WW RTTY next weekend.


Sent from my iPad 2

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