[WriteLog] Help!

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Tue Apr 2 17:35:54 EDT 2013

I am totally frustrated, as I guess others may well be also.  I keep getting 
one of those
Windows error messages that says the program needs to shut down and asks if 
I want
to send a report to MS or not.  I usually choose NOT.

Don mentioned there is a section on his web site that shows how to setup 
2Tone.  I am
not sure if it's finished or not.  I know Don has a life in addition to 
2Tone.  I am
almost ready to forget 2Tone and just stick with MMTTY.

I deleted the [RTTYRITE] and [RTTYRITE2] Sections in Writelog.ini.  In the 
version I find a [RTTYRITE] section but no [RTTYRITE2] section.  I know this 
probably an error on my part, but I am willing to accept any help that 
anybody can
provide.  I'm running Windows XP/SP3.

My WriteLog Program is in C:\Program Files\Writelog folder.  MMTTY has been
reinstalled and is in a C:\MMTTY folder and 2Tone is in a C:\2Tone folder.

Writelog and MMTTY are working together just fine, even after I reinstalled
MMTTY in the new C:\MMTTY folder.

I cannot get 2Tone to bring up a window showing the RX & TX graphs, etc.

My transceiver is a Yaesu FT-950 and I am also using a SignaLink USB 
which has been working just fine.  So if assistance could come from one of 
guys who has a similar setup, I'm sure my problem would get resolved 
quickly.  I
had hoped I wouldn't have to send a "me too" e-mail (as another user called 
but now feel the need.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & 73,

Dick - w0raa 

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