[WriteLog] Can not switch TNC???

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Tue Apr 2 22:49:56 EDT 2013

I suspect this tip has a similar effect as deleting [Rttyrite] ini sections
in that it helps clean up any irregularities that somehow develop in the ini
sections.  It certainly can't hurt anything as its done from the user
interface.  But, of course, it would be nice to learn what it is that we're
doing that requires this "reset" fix in the first place.


Dean 8P6SH wrote:
> One other thing I highly suggest is when you are changing 
> TNC's change from whatever is your current TNC to "Dumb 
> Terminal Unit" then maybe a writelog restart and then to the 
> TNC you want upon restart. This was something from way back 
> but I used this as a fix when nothing else seemed to work and 
> it worked for me - in addition to removing the rttyrite section(s).
> I'm in a win 7 64 bit environment and after the "Dumb 
> terminal" trick it is up and running. I don't remember where 
> I picked up that particular "fix"
> from but I had to use it years ago when moving from a KAM to 
> use MMTY and it's most likely somewhere in the AA5AU 
> documentation on setting up mmtty but stand to be corrected.

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