[WriteLog] V11.10G work arounds for EA test

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Fri Apr 5 20:23:40 EDT 2013

Don, et al

Thanks for all the info. A good summary of what we are learning.

All the work-arounds seem to be working for AFSK also.

As the Flex 5000 uses AFSK, I have been using mmtty with xmmt.ocx. I do 
see all the message being spit into the rttyrite window at once. But 
mmtty seems to be pacing the characters so that they sound normal. And 
stations are copying me. For AFSK, of course, the "Sound" option is 
clicked in mmtty instead of the FSK option. So AFSK may work.

I did notice the AFC clicking on sometimes. I now understand what was 

I will play for a few hours tomorrow to pressure test all if it is working.

Certainly deleting the entire rttyrite sections in writelog.ini works 
and is simple. But I have found that just deleting the mmtty lines in 
the Windows 7 version of writelog was sufficient to get xmmt running. It 
seems too gross to delete the whole section which contains other 
history, positions, pitch, etc. For XP users Mike's suggestion of just 
deleting the two assignment lines for mmtty seems to work to keep your 
history. I was not having much luck getting the rttyrite window 
positions and size saved when I was deleting the whole rttyrite sections.

Actually Joe's suggestion of how to remove the mmtty plug-in before 
upgrading to 11.10 worked much cleaner keeping the writelog.ini ok

See you all in the test to test, hi

Jerry, W6IHG

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs
jpixton at shentel.net

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