[WriteLog] 11.11C & XMMT

Anthony (N2KI) n2ki.ham at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 09:26:46 EDT 2013

I don't see any timing issues using WinWarbler. Both MMTTY and 2Tone run
simultaneously. What MMTTY misses 2Tone picks up and fills in the blanks
very effectively. Its too bad we currently don't have that within

Anthony (N2KI)
Sent from mobile.
On Apr 21, 2013 8:29 AM, "Steve AI9T" <steve at ai9t.com> wrote:

> Anthony
> I see the same thing as you are. I really like this comment (watching TV).
> Well put!! LOL
> I'm using the standard mmtty for my main rttyrite window and 2tone for my
> clone. It all works fine like this. Transmit and receive are OK this way.
> The 2Tone hesitates but that is normal for 2Tone.
> 73
> Steve AI9T
> On 4/21/2013 7:30 AM, Anthony (N2KI) wrote:
>> I suppose it really doesn't make much difference, but it is somewhat
>> annoying.  Its like watching a live TV program and the audio doesn't match
>> the mouth movement.  Also, can there be an instance of MMTTY and 2Tone
>> running at the same time like WinWarbler? I like to use MMTTY as my main
>> decoder and 2Tone as a backup.
>> Regards,
>> Anthony J. Cioffi (N2KI)
>> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Ed Muns <w0yk at msn.com> wrote:
>>  Unfortunately this is the way it works now.  I am disappointed because I
>>> have previously depended on the transmission printing to be closed sync'd
>>> with the actual transmission.  I have used that information to time my
>>> transmissions on other radios.  MMTTY with the MMTTY Plug-in had exellent
>>> correlation between printed transmitted characters (blue Italic text in
>>> the
>>> Rttyrite window) and the actually transmitted characters.
>>> However, I've come to learn that some other ops pay no attention to the
>>> transmission printing and instead rely on the monitor audio to tell them
>>> when the transmission is finished.  Nonetheless, I have made the request
>>> for
>>> this to be fixed in WriteLog but I don't know how feasible that is.
>>> Ed W0YK
>>> Anthony N2KI wrote:
>>>> I did my upgrade to v 11.11C and followed the procedure
>>>> outlined on Don's page.  Initially I had trouble when
>>>> starting WL and traced it to a bad comm port number in the
>>>> ini file.  Once this was fixed  and I tested WL using XMMT
>>>> and found there to be a timing problem with what is being
>>>> sent in relation to how it appears on the transmit window in
>>>> Rittyrite.  The transmit window prints what is being
>>>> transmitted but the actual transmission is still ongoing well
>>>> after the TX window displays what is being transmitted.
>>>> Anyone else seeing this?  Is there a fix?  Thanks
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> --
> 73
> Steve AI9T
> http://www.ai9t.com
> AI9T DX Cluster
> Version 4 AI9T   Telnet: dxc.ai9t.com port 7300
> Version 6 AI9T-2 Telnet: dxc.ai9t.com port 7373 (CW + Skimmer)

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