[WriteLog] Writelog and Microham PTT Delay with WinKey

Richard Thorne rthorne at rthorne.net
Sat Dec 14 15:10:48 EST 2013

I brought this up a couple weeks ago, which still appears to be a 
problem.  The problem being that my K3 would not return to receive 
quickly enough after hitting an F-Key message. It was bad enough that I 
would miss the first letter of a returning caller to my cq.

I think I may have solved the problem.  I went into setup|ports and 
selected the CW PTT tab.

Per the Microham setup document for Writelog I had 'on LPT pin 16/COMM 
RTS' selected.  I changed that by selecting 'none'.  This seems to have 
solved the problem.  My K3 now returns to receive quickly after sending 
a F-Key message.

I'll keep playing in the ARRL 10m contest to see if my fix is really a fix.

Rich - N5ZC

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