[WriteLog] ARRL 10M Contest - log submission

K2MK k2mk at comcast.net
Tue Dec 17 09:59:40 EST 2013

Hi Gary,

It sounds as if rule 8.4 is discussing what information is needed in the 
header for your log submission. They need your section because awards are 
based on sections. Rule 4.1 sounds like what is needed during the contest 

Mike K2MK

I just sent off my Cabrillo log to ARRL for the 10M contest.  When 
the rules to get the correct email address I noticed an apparent discrepancy
regarding the Cabrillo content.  Section 8.4 of the rules is shown below:

8.4. Email entries only to: 10meter at arrl.org. Cabrillo log files require
exchange sent, category entered, power, and ARRL/RAC section, as defined in 
General Rules for All ARRL Contests.

This appears to be in contradiction of rule 4.1 which states the exchange 
W/VE stations, including KL7 and KH6, is to send the stations state or
province.  So why does the rule about Cabrillo content require ARRL/RAC
section?  That is certainly not part of my Cabrillo file.  Something ain’t
right here bunky.

Gary AL9A 

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