[WriteLog] Counting Errors in Reports?

jmaass at k8nd.com jmaass at k8nd.com
Thu Jan 24 07:58:51 EST 2013

 I'm using Writelog v11.09b for my casual operating as PJ2/K8ND. 
 I started my log running Writelog 10.85A as 'DXpedition Mode' (in order to track QSOs by band and mode). During my stay here, I upgraded our PCs to v11.07D and then v11.09b. I noticed this morning that the log is now shown as "General DXCC tracking log keeper", but with QSOs listed by band/mode. 
 If I generate reports ('Contest -> Create Reports'), the 'Continents by Band' totals are wrong. 
 For example, I currently have logged a total of 467 QSOs on 160 meters. The report shows that on 160 CW I have 400 North America QSOs, 397 Europe QSOs, and 91 QSOs in the other continents. This total is well in excess of the 467 total 160 QSOs, and in fact exceeds the total number of QSOs in my log on all bands by a few!
 Likewise, in the 'Countries by band' report, it is showing (for example) 38 160-meter QSOs with japan. I have, in fact, had a total of five (5) JA QSOs on 160-meters. Again, the count is wrong. 
 Is this a known issue?
 73,  Jeff PJ2/K8ND

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