[WriteLog] N+1 feature

Stein-Roar Brobakken mail at la6fja.eu
Wed Mar 5 20:30:32 EST 2014

It had been great...But I had few request passed years, but seems Writelog is too long stand by still without developement. I miss : -multi TWO bandchange counter - select different soundcard radio 1 & 2 or 3 -cw port radio 1,2 or 3 - qso rate with mult counter  LA6FJA Rag    

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N+1 would be an excellent feature!

John KK9A

To:	 REFLECTOR writelog <writelog at contesting.com>

Subject:	 [WriteLog] N+1 feature

From:	 Kostas SV1DPI <sv1dpi at otenet.gr>

Date:	 Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:04:09 +0200

Some time ago I worked wintest in a multi single team.

Wintest (and dxlog) has a window which is called N+1 window.

It is similar to check partial windows.

How it works....

Let's say sv1dpi is calling...

The operator is writing sv1dpo in entry window

Check partial window is empty because sv1dpo is not in master file

N+1 window has sv1dpi, sv1dpj, sv1bpo, etc. These are calls which have

just one different letter or number. I found It very useful and I wonder

if it Is possible this feature to be added in writelog...

-- 73 Kostas SV1DPI


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