[WriteLog] ARRL SS SSB prefill adi file

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Mon Nov 10 21:38:56 EST 2014

For those who may be interested in the upcoming ARRL SS SSB contest next 

I have updated my SS SSB prefill call history file to include the 2013 csv 
results database information for those stations who submitted logs to the 
ARRL last
year.  The file now contains 4,665 call sign records.

This file contains information from the 2009 through 2013 contests.  There 
is some data irregularity from the 2009 and 2010 results data files.  These
historical data files contain field headings for the CK, but the actual CK 
data is missing.  When subsequent years results are appended and then
duplicates removed there are a number of records that have no data for the 
CK field.  If a station submitted a log in 2011, 2012 or 2013 then the CK
information is there.  If you get a prefill record with a missing CK number 
during the contest it is because this call has not submitted a log in the
last three years which would have provided this information.  Just be aware 
that from time to time you may get a prefill that has the CK number absent.
You will have to copy this off the air and manually fill it in yourself. 
But then, you should be reading all the information being sent to verify it
is correct before logging the contact anyway!

This link will download the latest prefill file.


This link will download a set of instructions on how to use the prefill file 
within WriteLog in case you have never done this before.


Gary AL9A 

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