[WriteLog] Problems With Writelog

Mike VE3YF mike at ve3yf.com
Tue Dec 8 18:27:08 EST 2015

Further to my last when updating Writelog, it says all the highlighted files will go into the Program Data dir. So I went to the Program Data/ Writelog dir and the files are their but they are all old files, back in 2014.

Well I looked at the files to be updated and there were lots, but all the Master.... files caught my eye, and they were also highlighted but they did not get updated as they are are dated back in Nov 2014.

I am still confused as to why it seems that Writelog is installed all over the place and at least twice. Has the architecture changed from Windows 7 and 10 to create such a nightmare.

A simple solution would be to uninstall Writelog and then manually go in and delete everything Writelog related and then do a fresh install. I am worried though that somethings may not get deleted ie old traces of Writelog in the Registry that may cause problems.

73 De Mike


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