[WriteLog] WL MMTTY 45 5N1.5 ve 9600 5N1 follow up

Ray Day rayday at cox.net
Fri Jan 2 18:35:16 EST 2015

Further to my recent post:

When I open MMRTTY stand alone, it defaults to "sound" in the MISC tab. 9600
5N1.     COMTXD(FSK) is available, and when I click on COMTXD, the setting
thru the interface software changes to 45 5N1.5.


The COMTXD is not available in the WL MMTTY setup - I'm thinking this might
be the key - getting COMTXD available as an option under the WL/MMTTY/MISC
tab ?????


Thanks again,

Ray N6HE


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