[WriteLog] WL MMTTY 45 5N1.5 ve 9600 5N1 follow up

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Fri Jan 2 20:40:04 EST 2015

 > The COMTXD is not available in the WL MMTTY setup

If COM-TxD (FSK) is not available in the WL MMTTY plug-in, you have not
configured the PTT & FSK Port in MMTTY's TX Tab.  For a complete example
(including both the XMMT and SM6 versions of the MMTTY plug-in) see the
example files for your particular microHAM interface.  All are available
in Router (Help | Download Documents) or on-line on the page for your
interface at www.microHAM-USA.com/support.html.

Opening a port at 9600 5N1 indicates you are probably attempting to use
either Writelog "Software generated FSK" or 2-Tone FSK - both of which
are bit-bang systems not compatible with the UART interface.

These examples have all been tested and documented on working systems.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2015-01-02 6:35 PM, Ray Day wrote:
> Further to my recent post:
> When I open MMRTTY stand alone, it defaults to "sound" in the MISC tab. 9600
> 5N1.     COMTXD(FSK) is available, and when I click on COMTXD, the setting
> thru the interface software changes to 45 5N1.5.
> The COMTXD is not available in the WL MMTTY setup - I'm thinking this might
> be the key - getting COMTXD available as an option under the WL/MMTTY/MISC
> tab ?????
> Thanks again,
> Ray N6HE
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