[WriteLog] Transmit problem with 2Tone/MMTTY

joeduerbusch k0bx at arrl.net
Wed Jan 14 20:22:40 EST 2015

Thank you Chad for you suggestion.  I tried what you said, but 2Tone had
the correct setting for the Flex-6300 soundcard DAX.  But it was worth a
try but didn't help.
I think that maybe I will delete all occurrences of  XMMT.ocx off my
computer, there was four of them.  Then I will reinstall Writelog.  This
should force it to re-register the XMMT.ocx and hopefully the path.

BTW XMMT Writelog, 2Tone and RttyRite all work on receiver but nether work
on transmit.  I would think that RttyRite would work as it has nothing to
do with XMMT?

I will keep on play with this.

Joe K0BX

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Chad WE9V <chad.we9v at gmail.com> wrote:

> I had a similar problem after re-installing WL on a new hard drive before
> ARRL RU.  I will describe my problem.  Maybe yours is similar.
> I can't use XMMT.ocx for MMTTY, because I have a large PTT to audio delay
> on starting TX, and a long PTT "tail" after the audio tones are done.  No
> one has been able to help me with this.  So I must use the MMTTY plug-in.
> I get MMTTY all set up fine.  TX is fine.
> Next I clone (RX only) that rttyrite window, choose xmmt.ocx and then
> 2Tone.  That's running and decoding...but now I have no TX audio.
> I check the MMTTY settings for soundcard...all is perfect.
> I check the 2Tone settings, and the TX is selecting a different audio
> path.  I wouldn't think this matters, because in this example, 2Tone is the
> Cloned RX, and should only be used for RX.  Wrong.  If I change the 2Tone
> TX to the correct audio path, then I get TX back.  This completely implies
> that 2Tone is being used for TX generation, even though it's only supposed
> to be a Clone (RX only).
> Puzzling.
> Chad WE9V
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> wrote:
> > On Tue,1/13/2015 5:11 PM, joeduerbusch wrote:
> >
> >> What I did for rtty was to set mmtty for lowtones, 1445
> >>
> >
> > I use 915 Hz because it's easier for my ear to tune it in.
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> >
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