[WriteLog] Dual Run and CSS

Kostas SV1DPI sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Fri Aug 19 04:46:17 EDT 2016

The writelog calls it LiveCW. You need to define in the writelog.ini, 
the time the "red box" is active. By the way, this stopped to work for 
me during iota contest (I sent a question without reply here) but it 
worked again when I re-imported my ini file. Anyway... I suggested that 
this feature should work with a variable time, defined by the software 
and not with a constant time. You can try it in Morserunner. Study the 
way it works. If I write SV1 and press the function key, it starts 
playing. When the program plays the 1, it goes with the next one on the 
message. In the meantime, I have the time to write another letter, and 
so on. You can find an ideal constant time (mine is set to 850 - I 
usually play in 30wpm) but if you change the cw speed this is not ok. 
Just a proposition for the next update.

...73 de Kostas SV1DPI
   (One of SZ1A-EP6T)

On 7/8/2016 7:56 μμ, Tom Georgens wrote:
> 1.  In Dual CQ there are a couple of arcane set up items.  The first is about enabling the "red box."  In normal operation, this is a good thing as it allows you to start sending while continuing to type a call.  In dual CQ, the focus does not shift until the red box goes away.  This means you need to watch the screen before typing in a call on the "other" radio.  I find it best to disable this in dual CQ, but it still works otherwise.

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