[WriteLog] Preset Exchange From ADI File and Bandmap

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Fri Aug 19 14:59:21 EDT 2016

The Preset Exchange from ADI File only pre-fills the exchange field in the
Entry window.

It has nothing to do with highlighting multipliers on the bandmap.  That is
done by the Super Check Partial file.


-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of LY2IJ
Sent: 19 August, 2016 01:31
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Preset Exchange From ADI File and Bandmap


2 questions after EU HF contest (EU works EU only)

1. I used "Preset Exchange From ADI File" which worked great detecting
multipliers and clearly showing them on bandmap - big improvement in score!
But - "unknown" stations were marked multiplier collor too - stations which
were not in "preset adif" file or not worked on other band slots before.
Is this possible to change somehow (in WL.ini.?) or this is EUHF 3rd party
module issue? To show only known mults as mults.

2. In EUHF EU to EU contacts are allowed only. But DX spots from cluster in
bandmap are shown as "new station", confusing too.
I filtered incoming cluster spots before contest, but that din't work 100%.
The same in WAE - for me EU stations are shown as good. 
Any solution to have these 0 point stations different color in bandmap?

WL version - 11.36 since my both radio computers are old WinXP.

73 Arunas LY2ij

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