[WriteLog] rttyrite cw in stereo?

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Wed Jan 13 09:58:45 EST 2016

Any one interested,

Wayne posted most of the solution (below) but I was missing one 
important step.

My setup had two Rttyrite windows, one for each radio. I usually run 
MMTTY and 2Tone with these windows. When I switched to the cw decoder 
for the Rttyrite window, I was selecting "Sound Board AFSK" from the 
TUType menu and then going to Mode=cw. This was giving me left channel 
audio to both cw decoders.

The trick is to select the "Parent SO2R Sound Board AFSK" option instead 
of the "Sound Board AFSK" option. Now the sound board is opened in 
stereo and I get the two cw decoders responding to the left and the 
right audio stream appropriately.

It does work.

Thanks Wayne

Now to try version 12 on my backup computer while I chase DX this next week.


On 1/13/2016 12:09 AM, Wayne, W5XD wrote:
>> Writelog CWers,
>> Is there a way to get right channel audio to the cw decoder opened
>> from a rttyrite window via "sound board AFSK"? I am running Windows 7
>> 64bit and Writelog 11.32 with two radios; one on the left and one on
>> the right. I am still using the old set up on one sound card for the
>> two radios (not the newer 2 sound cards). For rtty with mmtty I can
>> select left or right channels. But with the cw decoder all I seem to
>> get is left channel audio. this means that both radios see the same
>> audio stream instead of a left and right stereo stream. Does this mean
>> that Writelog is only opening the sound board in mono, not stereo as
>> in rtty mode?
>> Or am I just having a senior moment and overlooking something.
>> Jerry, W6IHG
> The configuration you describe is supported.
> Sounds like you already found step #1, which is to run the Start menu
> program installed in WriteLog V11 (or V12 today) Sound board mixer control.
> The critical entry for you case is "rec(s) to PC".
> Step 2 is to have two Entry Windows, which you get with
> Radio/number-of-radios (sounds like you have that one, too)
> Step 3 is to set one of them to be "LEFT" and the other to "RIGHT" using
> the menu: Radio/this-window-is
> Step 4 is to turn on the CW display (use the Windows Menu) and then
> right click and Setup CW decoder...and set it to STEREO.
> Wayne
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Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs
jpixton at shentel.net

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