[WriteLog] Big News From WriteLog + 12.05 Released
Steve Woodruff
steve at n9oh.com
Tue May 3 19:41:56 EDT 2016
Hi Folks,
Big news from the team here at WriteLog.com:
1) We now have a fully-functional demo version of the software, which can be used to test-drive WriteLog. This demo version of the software only supports three contests: IARU HF, ARRL RTTY Roundup and ARRL Field Day. This demo version replaces the “newbie” version of the software which was formerly available for purchase. You can read more about the new demo version here: http://writelog.com/downloads/demo
2) We no longer can ship CDROMs outside of the US. Sorry, but we have repeatedly raised our price for international CD shipment only to find the postage costs had risen even higher. Note that we WILL continue to ship CDs to our customers here in the US. However, we have a new option for our customers outside of the US:
3) We now offer a downloadable ISO image option for purchasing WriteLog which you can use to burn your own CDs. The ISO image will install either WriteLog v11 or v12. You can purchase this option at http://writelog.com/ordering
4) Lastly, we have two new versions of WriteLog to announce: 11.36 and 12.05
WriteLog version 12.05 is a free upgrade for anyone who has purchased the full version of WriteLog since May 2015. This excludes the "Newbie" version, which does not include any free upgrades. If you are running an earlier version, go here to purchase a new registration code: http://writelog.com/ordering
WriteLog 12.05 includes the following new features/fixes:
* Fix scoring and bandmap checking of RUDXC.
* Update cqcontest.net support to send version and multi-mode summaries.
* Add [winkey]IgnoreSpeedPot
* ARRL SS pre-fills exchange from prior dupe QSO
* Expand GAQP multiplier column for >99 multipliers
* WinKey driver reliability changes
* Add ability to disable CW space sent on startup.
* Add OK-OM Dx Contest.
* Remove WPX summary sheets.
* Update Field Day, IARU, RTTY Roundup summary sheets.
* Fix failure introduced in 12.01 to invoke first two External commands defined by plug-in assembly.
For users of FlexRadio 6000 series rigs, there is a separate download available on the WriteLog Downloads page that you'll be interested in for this release of WriteLog. It has changed for V12 releases.
We also have released a bug-fix version for those still running WriteLog v11 (version 11.36) on older operating systems. You can find the list of fixes in this version on the WriteLog site: http://writelog.com/notes/revision-historyversion-11
The latest software can be downloaded here: http://writelog.com/downloads/writelog-versions
Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD
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