[WriteLog] Ver 12.05 Server Busy Error - causing key down on startup

Keith Beebe W3KB keith at w3kb.net
Wed May 4 11:42:35 EDT 2016

I updated to the new Version 12.05 today.  One of the new additions in the update is:  Add ability to disable CW space sent on startup.

The update was immediately causing a startup error and I got the dreaded:  "Server Busy this action cannot be completed" popup window.  Upon clicking in the window, Writelog would start, but the rig would stay keyed (Key down CW).   I run Windows 7 Home Premium with legacy serial ports.  My keying device is an interface on one of those ports.

I created a new w3kb.ini file, using the procedure that creates the .ini from the Windows registry.  I noticed there was a new parameter in the Configuration section of the .ini file:  CwSpaceOnStartup=0

This is what was locking the rig key down on startup.

I solved the issue by changing the parameter to:  CwSpaceOnStartup=1

Writelog 12.05 now starts correctly, keying to send one short space tone only instead of locking down.

Keith W3KB

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