[WriteLog] writelog 12.05

Kostas SV1DPI sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Mon May 9 03:07:08 EDT 2016

I purchased 12.05 as my subscription expired in February. The main 
reason was the addition of OK/OM Contest. This was something I asked. So 
I need to thank you for listening me. I believe that every contest 
module should be officially supported and I suggest to add one module in 
every update. This way we will have all modules as part of the writelog 
after some time.

I enjoy also the zoom in bandmap with ctrl+mouse wheel in this new 
version. By the way I think that with the mouse over bandmap I could 
change the rig frequency, something is not working now. Anyway the live 
zoom in bandmap was a long awaited feature for me.

I think that writelog was needed 3 features to improve  (I have used all 
of them in other contest software):

The one was the bandmap zoom. It has it now.

The other one is the N+1 window (checkpartial). If i write sv1dp in 
entry window, the checkpartial window will show possible other calls: 
sv1dpi, sv1dpp, sv1dpj. But when I write sv2dpi, checkpartial will not 
show anything. Wintest has 2 windows. N1mm has 2 columns. In the first 
one you can see the normal checkpartial as in writelog. In the second 
one (called N+1 window in wintest) you can see the calls with one 
differentmletter. For example if you write sv2dpi you will see nothing 
in 1st window but you will see sv1dpi in the 2nd window. It would be a 
nice addition in a future version.

The last future I would like to see as must, is an improve in the Live 
delay. This is used when you type a call and press the function key. The 
message starts playing but you have some time to fill some more letters 
in the call which will be included in the played call. Writelog has a 
live delay feature but the delay time is constant and predefined in 
writelog.ini. This is a problem on cw because it is possible to change 
your cw speed. So it is possible the mseconds you have to be either too 
quick or too slow. I use something like 800mseconds which is quite good 
for speeds 25-30wpm but not perfect for all speeds. Beside this, the way 
is used is too complicated to setup. Wintest manages this feature in a 
better way. The operator does not need to set a delay and this is 
standard with the program's installation. Maybe Wayne can improve this 
feature also to be much better and automated.

Tnx agn...

...73 de SV1DPI
(One of SZ1A-EP6T)

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