[WriteLog] MMTTY Decoding

Thom ki8w at ki8w.com
Sun Oct 9 20:44:11 EDT 2016

I have a DXCC Logbook set up in Writelog.

I was on 30 meters calling CQ, looking for someone to test with and I 
heard, clearly, that someone was trying to answer me.  The signal never 
appeared in my MMTTY decode window.  I tuned around slowly near my 
frequency (10144khz) and never did decode them.

I am thinking that if I can hear them I need to be able to work them.  I 
have no idea where to find someone if they are not in my window.

I remember back in 2005 I worked a VK6 on 80 meters RTTY that was just 
above the noise.  So now I am wondering what has changed in Writelog 
that may give me issues I have not yet for-seen.

I do not remember Writelog being this hard.


Thom KI8W

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