[WriteLog] band changes and other problems during wpx

Kostas SV1DPI sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Sun Feb 12 02:09:17 EST 2017

I am disappointed with the problems in wpx rtty. There are always minor 
problems but this time I am tired...

We started the wpx contest as MS. Unfortunately the band changes 
counter  does not work as it should be. So the first operator made many 
band changes during the first hours. Now we continue as M2... I can not 
understand why it counts so wrong. I noticed also that after reboot it 
shows 0 band changes! This means that it does not examine the log? 
Please correct it.

Also problem during MS, was the software lockout function. It works 
perfectly until it stops!!! After 6 hours working ok it stopped. I had 
noticed the same in sartg contest last August. When it stopped the only 
solution to bring this back in life is to reboot all computers in 
network. The strange thing that this does not recover it always. I 
needed more reboots to make it to work. Finally it started work again 
until we stopped it because the mistake with the band changes counter.

We had also problems with the network. We have 3 computers, all with 
windows 7, dual core, running only contests (no other software except 
contest software). We have a cisco ethernet switch and factory made 
ethernet cables. All computers running latest writelog. The first 
computer has not a radio. This is connected to internet and except 
writelog runs ve7cc program to get clusters. This computer broadcasts 
our score to cqcontest.net also. The other two computers have a homemade 
interface the first one and a mk2r+  the 2nd one. As decoders we use 
mmtty and as clone the 2tone are used in both computers. Also bandmap is 
open (undocked) and the usual windows (rate, checkpartial, score) are 
docked. Clusters are configured to get skimmer spots also (many spots). 
If the 1st computer is connected to ve7cc and the other 2 are configured 
to get clusters from the network, the writelog stops functioning almost 
immediately. If all computers are connected to ve7cc as telnet, the 
writelog works for hours but sometimes we see popups windows in bandmap 
and in the 2 decoders windows saying something like "software stopped" 
offering 3 choices "switch to", "retry", "cancel". If you press switch 
and retry several times it continues to play some more time... But this 
has happened agn and agn...

...73 de Kostas SV1DPI
   (One of SZ1A-EP6T)

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