[WriteLog] After contest log entry problem

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Mon Jan 9 10:14:51 EST 2017

I am pretty sure that you can change the date in your whole log from
within Writeog but I don't think the wrong date is his issue. How did the
log become corrupt?

John KK9A

To:	"N5MT at aol.com" <N5MT at aol.com>, "writelog at contesting.com"
<writelog at contesting.com>
Subject:	Re: [WriteLog] After contest log entry problem
From:	Don AA5AU <aa5au at bellsouth.net>
Reply-to:	Don AA5AU <aa5au at bellsouth.net>
Date:	Mon, 9 Jan 2017 13:42:11 +0000 (UTC)

Mike, not sure what you mean about a "corrupted" contest log. If the only
problem is the date is wrong in the log, the best way to fix it before
it in is to generate the Cabrillo log, open the Cabrillo log in Notepad, then
using CTRL+F you can replace all the old dates with the new dates. It's "Find
and Replace".
73, Don AA5AU

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