[WriteLog] Problem with Bandmap after Windows 10 update

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 09:20:42 EDT 2017

Hi Guys

I thought I would mention an issue that came up a couple days ago.

After the major recent update of Windows 10, my bandmaps appeared as just a
blank white window. Nothing would work. No spots, no menus etc. No problems
noted within the ini file.

I decided to reinstall Writelog right away amd the problem is no more.

My assumption is the increased security stopped something from connecting
together but I have no real clue what happened.

I thought I'd mention it as I use writelog almost daily as my logger so
others may have the problem but realise since they haven't opened WL since
the last contest.

Cheers and 73

Dean - 8P6SH / 8P2K

*Dean St.Hill*

*Barbados.JustAskLocals.com <http://Barbados.JustAskLocals.com>*
*It's A Big World. Travel Smarter <http://barbados.justasklocals.com/>*

*17 Ocean City*


*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*

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