[WriteLog] Update for UDP Listener / RTTY Round Up

Wayne, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Thu Dec 20 11:59:10 EST 2018

> Is there any advantage to upgrading from UDP listener Version 3 to
> what appears to be Version 8 for USA-English Windows users? 
Let me count the ways:
1. If you ask for support and you are running V03, the first answer is
going to be "upgrade toV08"...whether it helps you or not.
2. If you are running V03 and your Windows Control Panel has a
customized number format (under Clock and Region) then, well, you're not
going to be happy with the results of WriteLog's UDP listener.And if you
ask for help, the first answer is going to be ... item (1)
3. it makes you feel up to date and caught up

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