[WriteLog] WL IC-7610 help

Jon Suehiro nn5t at attglobal.net
Wed Jan 3 13:14:26 EST 2018

After a few long night, I am ready for this weekend.  Hope some of the
following info is helpful to someone with similar condition.


As the result of Silicon Labs CP210x (1.20)installation for 7610, 'A' Port
is assigned to COM3 and 'B" Port is assigned to COM4 in my case.


If CIV Baud Rate is 'Auto', the most of the software did not work.  So set
to the typical '19,200'.  Since no 7610 support, set the CIV address to
'8Eh' as IC-785x.


So far, I am using all data modes on SSB, switched MOD Input - DATA OFF MODE
to MIC, USB.  The USB MOD Level in default is very high, reduced to 5%.


USB SEND/Keying, the manual says you can set to any combination, resulted in
full time keyed condition to PTT/CW/FSK if I selected to any of USB1 (A)
group.  Now USB SEND - USB1 (B) RTS, USB Keying (CW) - USB1 (B) DTR, USB
Keying (FSK) - USB1 (B) DTR and seems no conflict.


For MMTTY 1.68A, definitely need to download EXTFSK.dll and copy to
C:\MMTTY\ , select PTT & FSK Port - EXTFSK and select the 'B' Port (COM4 in
my case) FSK output - DTR and PTT output - RTS.


For WriteLog 12.23, the Port Setting is COM3 IC-7850 19200, COM4 CW IC-7850
19200, PC generates CW keyer, and save the configuration at this point.  For
RTTY contest, when Rittyrite is recalled, I had MMTTY originally setup with
MMTTYPlugin_V13.  This was not working with EXTFSK (TX PTT & FSK Port
setting disappears), MMTTYPlugin is uninstalled.  Then MMTTY Active X
control is downloaded and XMMT.ocx is copied onto C:\MMTTY\ .  2Tone 16.11a
is installed at the same time to see if works, I could not find the
equivalent of EXTFSK on MMTTY, I never see 2Tone FSK keying.  Select MMTTY
by XMMT.ocx - TNC Setup. , the working COM4 now indicated 'Status: NG'.  To
go around this issue, Rittyrite is once closed, go to Port Setup on WL and I
changed COM4 to COM1 without changing any other and not saving the
configuration.  This good-old-day's COM1 is the working port but not used
for anything.  Activate Rittyrite again, MMTTY with EXTFSK window comes on
normally now.


After the RTTY contest, close WriteLog and re-start, you get the original
Port settings (COM4 is for CW keying) and works on CW normally.


For Fldigi 4.0.13 Rig control, Use Hamlib (IC-7600 COM3 Baud rate 19200) and
Hardware PTT - Use separate serial port PTT (COM4 Use RTS).


For WSJT-X 1.8.0, Radio (IC-785x, COM3 19200, PTT CAT on COM3) setting alone
did not bring up the 'Wide Graph' working until CIV USB Port is changed to
'Link to [REMOTE]' .  Keeping this setting at this point since I don't see
any conflict.  Also CIV control timed out due to CIV Transceive function.  I
have to turn CIV Transceive OFF only when I use WSJT-X.  Otherwise IC-PW1's
AUTO does not work.


I described what I achieve.  Your comment (and software support to IC-7610)
is appreciated, thank you.


See you on RTTY Roundup this weekend.


73 de Jon NN5T






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